A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Winning Conditions:

Obtain all furniture items in the living area.

Failure Condition:

Lose all 5 life points.


In the game, players open chests in the work area to earn money, with each chest containing between 1 to 5 coins.

The longer a player remains in the work area, the higher their accumulated stress value becomes. This stress value is displayed in the top-right corner of the interface. When the stress value reaches its maximum, the character's life points will be deducted. If the life points reach zero, the game will end, and the mission will be declared a failure.

To manage stress, players need to regularly visit the living area to reduce their stress value. However, the number of coins earned by the player will decrease each time the countdown is completed, coinciding with the appearance of new furniture items (a total of 20). Winning the game requires obtaining all these furniture items. Players should also be aware that insufficient coins to purchase furniture in the living area will lead to the accumulation of negative coins, which will deduct from the character's life points.

Additionally, in the work area, there is a skull prop. Players can choose to step on it, which carries a probability of earning or losing coins.


GameJam_WorkLifeBalance_V0.1.zip 68 MB


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(2 edits)

Game Design: Jack Tse,  Andrew Yu, Tommy Siu, 

Arts: Jack Tse, Andrew Yu, Felix Wing

Programmer: Jack Tse, Felix Wing

Audio: Andrew Yu, Tommy Siu